Tag Archives: discipline

Sadhana, a personal daily practice/discipline

The only thing I know to expect these days is the unexpected. Everything is moving, changing, de-solidifying (I’m coining the term :-)). In the midst of the waves, sometimes of Tsunami proportions, only one constant: (my) personal practice, (my) daily discipline. In the Kundalini Yoga* world, it is called Sadhana – most effective done during the two and a half hours before sunrise. luna_y_solMany people think it’s crazy to get up so early to pray & move & medidate for 2+ hours; “lack of sleep”, “anti-social” etc… At this point in life, my experience is… it’s crazy not to. As the world is entering its own crazy phase of extreme changes – & equally extreme reactions to these changes – it is better to get one’s own ‘crazy’ out first thing in the morning, before the thinking mind is awake enough to try and take over with its tainted logic, before the world sweeps you into its trance of tacit, collectively self-imposed obligations, whether such obligations feed your soul, your reason for existing, or not. You then start the day with a mental, emotional & energetic shower…
Does sadhana make one perfect? No. Impervious to challenges? No. But it’s the only chance one has to become steady in the midst of a storm, remaining alert and intuitive, despite one’s own emotions. With daily practice, prayer and meditation, our emotions no longer take command of us and our Presence, or Consciousness, is given the space to take center stage. As I see many people suddenly unwind around me, I wouldn’t trade this “crazy” habit for any additional sleep. And anyway it seems to me humanity has slept long enough, it’s time to wake up. The present times are decisive…